Creative Arts Ministry 
Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire”. 
Hebrews 12:28-29
 Ministry Groups
 To Serve & Worship
Drama Ministry
Acting/Props | Co-ed Group | Ages 4 and up
Majestic Doves
Dance | Female Group | Ages 4-8
Silent Warriors for Christ * Sons of God * Mighty Men of Valor * Daughters of Destiny * Women of Virtue
Mime | Male & Female Groups | Ages 4-35
Majestic Faith
Dance | Female Group | Ages 8-12
Majestic Pearls
Dance | Female Group | Ages 12-18
Highly Favored
Dance | Female Group | Ages 18-35
Women with Purpose
Dance | Female Group | Ages 35+
Sons of Zebedee
Mime | Male Group | Ages 35+
 Ministry Support Team
 Rev. Nicole Payne
Ministry Leader
Deacon W. Floyd & Deaconess Grace M. Birt; Deaconess Jacqueline Mercer
Ministry Deacon & Deaconess
Drama Ministry Leader
Sis. Natalie London
Majestic Doves Leader
Sis. Cierra Williams
Majestic Faith Leader
Sis. Ellen Elliott 
Majestic Pearls Leader
Deaconess Traci Holmes-Saunders
Highly Favored Leader
Bro. Glynn Reynolds
GVCC Mimers Leader
Sons of Zebedee Leader
 Rehearsal Days & Times
Arts Ministry
The Dance/Mime Groups rehearse between 8 am – 12 pm on scheduled Saturdays except the 1st Saturday of each month. Each group will have at least two rehearsals with an average of four rehearsals to prepare for ministry assignments. In rare instances, weekday practices may be necessary to meet the needs of the assignment.
 Drama Ministry:
The Drama Ministry rehearsals vary depending on the assignment/play. Please refer to GVCC Calendar and announcements for days and times.